12 Common Face-Washing Mistakes You Never Knew You Were Making

We all have been washing our face for many years now, which seems like a pretty easy task, right? However, this simple everyday routine has many little nuances that need to be taken care of. Yes, the proper technique is very much necessary, else you will end up causing more harm than doing good to your face. It even can cause a complete list of skin woes like dryness, breakouts, irritation, and much more.

It is really shocking to know that we have been washing our face the wrong way all through our life till now. Let’s take a look at some common face-washing mistakes you may be making unknowingly and some simple things that you can do to make a difference in the appearance of your skin. You just can’t be in a big rush when it comes to hygiene, right?

Mistake #1: Not Washing Your Hands First

Think of all the things you touch throughout the day, all of the grime, oil, and germs that have (most likely) accumulated on your hands. Nobody wants that on their face Right? So, before washing your face, wash your hands with a good hand wash and your face will surely thank you.

Mistake #2: Not choosing the right cleanser

There is no denying that there are plenty of face washes available in the market. While choosing the same for yourself, keep in mind that you pick the one which is meant for your skin type. Ensure that you always choose the best quality product which cleans the dirt and grime and isn’t abrasive enough to remove healthy skin cells. The skin on your face is delicate, so keep in mind to choose the product with no sulfates as they can irritate the skin.

TIP: When applying cleanser to your skin, massage in a gentle, circular motion. This will help remove debris from the surface and help stimulate circulation.

Mistake #3: Over Washing Your Face

Washing your face once or twice a day is a good practice, but if you are washing it too many times, then it is bad for your skin, as it can lead to overproduction of oil and cause dryness and irritation to the skin. In fact some skin experts suggest that you skip face wash once in a while.

Unless our facial skin gets exposed to high levels of dirt during traveling or outing, avoid cleaning the face more than once a day.

Mistake #4: Not Rinsing It Off Completely

Another important point to keep in mind is to rinse out the face completely. Rinsing completely takes away the dirt and grease that have got accumulated on the surface of the face. Improper rinsing will result in clogged pores, which leads to breakouts and your skin may feel dried out, irritated and tight. So be sure to give yourself that extra bit of time to rinse off your cleanser thoroughly for the best results. Also, make sure to rinse intricate areas like hairline, nose and jaw line thoroughly.

Mistake #5: Not Removing Makeup Before Cleansing

The main purpose of washing your face is to get rid of all the dirt and grime from the face and open skin pores, right? But skin pores largely get blocked with your makeup. So, make sure to remove the makeup with help of good makeup remover and cleansing wipes, before you wash your face.

Mistake #6: Using the wrong water temperature

There is no truth in the claim that hot water helps in opening the pores and cold water helps in closing the pores. Remember, hot water or cold water cannot be the levers that open and close the facial skin pores, as there are no muscles that open or close pores. However, extreme temperatures can actually damage the skin cells and cause drying of skin, as hot water can disrupt your skin’s moisture barrier by stripping away protective oils. Or it can also have the reverse effect and kick your oil sebum production into high gear, resulting in oily skin. So, lukewarm water is the best bet to have your face cleaned effectively. Use lukewarm water to clean the face with superior quality cleanser and see the magic work on your face!

Mistake #7: Using cleansers containing irritating ingredients

Certain face washes of poor quality may contain ingredients such as colorants and fragrances that irritate skin, which can also result in skin infection. So, always have a look at ingredient label.

TIP: Avoid products with known skin irritants, as well as parabens or sulfates. Sulfates can cause the skin to become dry, red and irritated. In fact, many people are allergic to sulfates and don’t even realize it. Look for skin soothing and hydrating ingredients like Aloe Vera. Also, anytime you see antioxidant vitamins included in a product, you know it’s a win for your skin.

Mistake #8: Rubbing With a Towel

A common face washing mistake. After washing our face, it is a common habit to rub the towel to dry the face. Though rubbing can make you feel good, this practice can loosen the skin elasticity, as it pulls out the skin and damages the elastin. So, it is best that once you finish rinsing your face, simply pat and dry. And while you’re at it, make sure to use a clean towel (every time) to avoid pressing bacteria into your skin. Never reach for the family hand towel. You can also use a soft clean water absorbent cloth rather than a towel.

Mistake #9: Too Much Exfoliation

Exfoliation is important to remove dead skin cells and renew skin. While exfoliation of dead cells is good, you shouldn’t overdo it. Exfoliate skin once or twice a week and use your fingers instead of a washcloth to avoid tugging of the skin. Using washcloth for exfoliating may cause damage to the skin cells. Excess levels of exfoliation may also make the skin dry.

Mistake #10: Not Applying Moisturizers

After washing your face, it is important to apply a moisturizer while skin is still damp. Don’t wait to give your skin a chance to dry out completely. Experts suggest using a light moisturizer within 60 seconds of washing your face. This helps to lock the moisture to the skin, allowing for extra absorption, maximizing the effects of the active ingredients. Follow the same logic when you use special products for skin treatments and serums too.

Mistake #11: Ignoring the Use Of Oils

Recent studies suggest that using cleansing oils on your skin to clean the face is a good option. Cleansing with oil benefits every skin type, even oily and blemish-prone skin. Oil dissolves oil and will also cleanse pores by removing dirt and bacteria. Hence, choose a good oil that will cleanse and maintain the balance of your skin.

Mistake #12: Spending a lot of fortune on products

Also Read: Natural Ayurvedic Face Packs For Beautiful Glowing Skin

Never spend too much on products to clean your face such as expensive moisturizers and serums. Act wisely and spend in moderation.

Are you making these mistakes? Then, start avoiding these common face-washing mistakes in order to alleviate nagging skin issues, keep your facial skin radiant and in good health for the rest of the years!