Doctors Find Cancerous Testicles In Woman’s Stomach And No Womb After She Failed To Have Periods

A 25-year-old woman revealed recently that she has no female reproductive organs, instead, she has a pair of cancerous testicles in her stomach and has no womb.

Dani Coyle, who is from Swindon, Wiltshire, said she was left devastated when doctors found a pair of cancerous testicles inside her stomach.

She said she was 10 when she first noticed that she was different when puberty hit her.

Coyle said her voice had lowered and felt confused because her period never came.

When she turned 14, she went to a specialist, who ordered tests, which later revealed that she had the XY Chromosomes.

This means Coyle has no female reproductive organs such as a womb, instead, she has some of the male ones.

She is also considered as intersexual in the medical term.

Further scans revealed that Dani had a pair of testicles in her stomach, which turned out to be in the early stages of cancer.

Talking about her condition, Dani said:

At 14, I was told I had ‘seventeen beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase three’ deficiency. My body didn’t respond ‘normally’ to the testosterone my testes produced which is why I was born, looked like, and was raised as a girl – which is lucky as I’ve always identified as female. I’d wished for words to explain and understand my differences for a long time. I was relieved – but scared – to finally have them. I was scared no one was going to love me when I found out. I was angry at the odds – why me?

In 2009, the suspected cancerous testicles were removed.

Doctors said her medical condition could be normalized through surgery, which she did went through.

Dani said she went through an external cosmetic surgery to alter the appearance of her vulva.

Dani says she feels as though she was forced into doing such thing.

Dani Coyle now wants to raise awareness around intersex surgery, particularly on young children, where surgeries are done without the consents of the kids, instead, their parents do it on their behalf.

Adding about her experience, Coyle said:

I was told and believed it to be a secret that no one needed to know so I quickly underwent the surgery to remove my testes and normalise my external appearance – just as the doctors and surgeons recommended. I also had hormone replacement therapy – which is essentially a menopause oestrogen pill – and I thought I’d be back to being a normal girl. Now, I feel like these surgeries were presented as the only viable option – like I was robbed by biased doctors who work within a biased system which has caused an immeasurable amount of mental trauma.

Coyle believes raising awareness through education in schools is part of the solution about this problem.

What Is XY Intersex?

The XY Intersex is a type of condition where the host has the chromosomes of a man, however, the external genitals are incompletely formed or belong to a woman. Internally, the person may have testes, malformed, or can be absent. This condition is also known as the male pseudohermaphroditism.

Infants that are born with this condition have penoscrotal hypospadias, abnormal development of the testes, and reduced or no production of sperm.  Some people that are born with 46, XY DSD have  fully to undeveloped female reproductive organs, some do not.  People with the 6, XY DSD may be raised as males or females.