7 Everyday Habits That Can Damage Your Health – Check Out!

Health is more important than everything. Smoking, eating junk food, binge drinking – we all know the biggies when it comes to the health habits we should try to avoid. But, sometimes we aren’t even aware that some of our seemingly innocent habits could also be causing us harm. Here are 7 everyday habits that cause more harm than good.

1. Brushing your teeth right after eating


Never brush your teeth right after a meal because of food and drinks — especially those which are highly acidic — have an effect on the enamel of the tooth and the movement of your toothbrush push the acid deeper and closer to the dentin. Brushing your teeth after a meal can lead to extreme sensitivity and damage the enamel.

Also, dentists have long recommended that you should brush your teeth at least 30 minutes after eating. If possible, an hour is even better.

2. Storing food in plastic containers


Many plastic containers contain artificial chemical substances in them such as PVC, that help to maintain their long life and flexibility. These chemicals can cause many types of cancers and other deadly diseases. If the food kept for a long time in plastic boxes, such substances can seep into food and consume them can have an effect on the endocrine system. It’s a much better idea to store food in glass or stainless steel containers or even ceramic containers.

3. Preventing yourself from sneezing


Never try to prevent yourself from sneezing because when we close our mouths and pinch our noses in an effort to prevent a sneeze, our intracranial pressure increases significantly. This disturbs the blood flow to our brain and also compresses our blood vessels and nervous tissue. This damage our blood vessels, and even cause headaches and hearing problems. So next time never stop yourself from sneezing.

4. Using antibacterial soap often


A large number of useful bacteria live on the surface of our skin, playing a role in protecting our bodies. If we use antibacterial soap too often, we end up sterilizing our hands, which in turn creates opportunities for harmful bacteria to enter our bodies. Even dermatologists recommend using antibacterial soap for only cuts, scratches, and grazes. Don’t use it to wash your hands more than twice a week.

5. Using perfumes & deodorants


Synthetic substances are often used to make perfume as they produce stronger scents and are cheaper than natural oils. These substances can cause nausea, dizziness, and drowsiness. They also irritate the eyes, throat, and skin. It’s a better idea to stop using perfumes and switch for essential oils or apply them only in a well-aired room.

6. Drinking freshly squeezed juice


Fresh fruit juice is good for you only if taken in small quantities. In many cases, fresh juice can cause serious harm to your body. Moreover, juices are strong allergens. You should be careful about giving them to children – give them only small amounts, and, if possible, consult a doctor beforehand.

7. Wearing tight jeans


Although they may be fashionable, tight jeans constantly press on your skin and nerve endings. This causes a constant feeling of discomfort that can lead to problems with the nervous system. It also disturbs the normal blood flow in blood vessels. As if that wasn’t bad enough, the reduced flow of air to your legs can cause itching and tingling, and ultimately make your legs go numb. So always avoid tight clothes.