Everything You Need To Know About Liver Hemangiomas

A liver hemangiomas are usually harmless. It is a lump in the liver. Which consist of blood vessels.
As per reports, in the United States, every 1-5 adult has this. Which doesn’t need any treatment nor it causes any problem. However, larger liver hemangiomas can be discomforting and painful.



What is liver hemangiomas?

Apparently when a bunch of blood vessels, are in the same place and creates a lump. Same happens on the skin while many happen internally as well. It’s most of the times around 5 cm across. However, some people do have multiple of these on their body. Either on skin or inside.

However, these lumps are not cancerous.

What are the symptoms?

While most of the time people don’t have any symptoms. Very rarely people may have some symptoms. Which in any case is because of multiple hemangiomas. Moreover, if it gets larger than 4 cm. Then people may get some symptoms.

Which includes,
1)abdominal discomfort and bloating
3)loss of appetite
5)a sense of fullness after eating a small meal



What is the cause?

There is no definite answer to this. In some of the cases, people are born with it. Other may also develop at any point. It’s more likely to happen in 30 to 50. Also, it’s more likely to occur in Women than men.

What is the treatment?

Most of the cases don’t need treatment. There is no evidence that people with such lumps which were left untreated. Later of developed liver cancer.
Though, depending upon the size of the lump. Some may cause a problem for the individual. It’s a great idea to treat in cases where you have multiple of these, or they are big in size.

Here are some treatment method:-

Medication- most of the time, doctors would treat such problems as medicine like corticosteroids.


2)Block blood supply to the area.- in some cases doctor cut the blood supply in that lump by a procedure. Which stops it from growing.

3) surgery- in some cases the doctor may operate. If it’s dangerous, they will remove it from the operation.