Humans Haven’t Reach Full Lifespan

A recent study which was published this Friday in science journal found that the death rate of the old age peoples abruptly slows down at 80 years old and then plateaus at 105 years old. They interpreted the study and said, it means that humans are not closed to a biological limit on how long they live.



Researchers examined the study on Italians. Their primary focus of the research is to found out who had reached 105 years old between 2009 – 2015. They study all the peoples who are born between 1896 – 1910. Their research includes 3860 peoples. For the smooth conduct of the study, they verify the age with their birth certificates.

This study comes after 2016 study by the Albert Einstein College of Medicine put the maximum human lifespan at about 115 years.
The new study was focused on all other factors that can be helpful in this. They focused on the mortality rates.



Mortality rates are high for infant and decrease during the persons early years. In the mid-age of persons like thirties, it goes up. It drastically Increases when the people reach their seventies and eighties.

Elisabetta Barbi Statement

Elisabetta Barbi who is the demographer at the University of Rome and her team discovered that death rate stops rising after the person reaches their eighties. It is now plateaued after age 105 as said by the study.

Barbi said “ If there’s a fixed biological limit, we are not close to it.
Kenneth Achter who is the co-author of the study said, “The plateau is sinking over time. We are not approaching any maximum lifespan for humans yet.



Siegfried Hekimi who is the biologist at Mcgill University, he is not involved in any of the studies but still called the results of the research fascinating and surprising.

Although the main reason behind the death rate plateau at 105 years is still unknown. But some possibility is that some people have strong genes that make them live more than 100 years.

Hekimi said this is a reasonable theory for which there is no proof. But we can find out if there is any reason behind it.