Many Women Have Hair On Their Chin And This Is A Symptom Of Severe Health Disorder

Have you ever looked in the mirror and been startled by a long chin hair that seems to have suddenly popped up out of nowhere? You’re not alone. According to doctors, chin hair is super-common among women. This rare disorder affects 200,000 women every year.

Source: dailymail.co.uk

Your chin hair may be a sign of PCOS.

Chin hair can grow at any age, but most women notice growth increasing with age since hormonal balances shift as we get older. And while you can get chin hair with a perfectly normal balance of hormones, if you also notice irregular periods, excess facial and body hair, body ache, weight gain and stubborn adult acne that isn’t responsive to treatments, you might need to speak to your doctor as you might have undiagnosed polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS).

Source: Wittyfeed

Polycystic ovarian syndrome, or PCOS, is a common medical condition that results from an imbalance of hormones and often causes additional symptoms as well as unwanted hair growth. PCOS is a hormonal disorder that causes enlarged ovaries and small cysts.

Women with PCOS usually have trouble with their menstrual cycles. Sometimes, it can even stop your menstruation from occurring at all.

Unusual weight gain is also a symptom of PCOS.

PCOS causes hormonal imbalance due to which your body start storing excess fat especially, around the mid-section of your body. Women with PCOS will also have difficulty losing weight.

Other symptoms of PCOS include excess dandruff, acne, and oily skin. PCOS also can cause diabetes.

Depression can signal the appearance of a tumor as hormonal shifts also lead to anxiety and depression.

If you’re suffering from breakouts before menstruation along with these symptoms, then you might be a victim of PCOS.

There are certain ways to fight back this dangerous health disorder. Read on to know about various ways to combat it. 

Daily workout

Daily workout not only helps in weight loss but also combats depression and anxiety. The level of endorphin increases at the time of workout which makes you happy and healthy.

Make Changes in diet.

Changes in diet can make a huge difference for those diagnosed with PCOS. Manage insulin levels by including low-glycemic foods such as vegetables and proteins in your diet. Avoid the intake of processed foods as much as possible.

Fight PCOS by supplementing your diet with magnesium-rich foods

Magnesium is a mineral that reduces the stress level in your body. Include magnesium-rich foods such as avocado, almonds, cashews etc in your diet every day.

You can eliminate excess body hair by laser technique.

Consult aesthetician for hair removal process and gain your self-confidence again.

Consult Therapist

Source: Wittyfeed

You may also consult a therapist to reduce stress and bring back the balance in your life.

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