So far, it has been proven that anxiety, depression, and distress Can Put You at Chronic Disease Risk. However, what about the small amount of stress, or a low level of physiological distress?. Will it affect someone’s physical health as well? According to experts yes it does. Physical health problem due to stress can increase Chronic Disease Risk.
What do experts say?
Prof. Catharine Gale who is from the University of Southamption said,”Although the relationship between significant distress and the onset of arthritis, [chronic pulmonary obstructive disorder], cardiovascular disease, and diabetes is well established,”.
He added that a significant knowledge gap is present. Which links lower and moderate levels of distress and the development of chronic conditions.
A study had been done recently, and the results of which were published in the Journal of Psychosomatic Research. Which clearly indicated that one doesn’t need much stress to have any impact on his health. Even a small amount of distress can put one’s health in danger.

What do experts suggest?
An expert who did the study for 3 years. Suggest that reducing the stress is the only way to decrease the danger. Of. Gale and McLachlan get this info using the UK Household Longitudinal Study. Which had data regarding health status, well being and living conditions of U.K citizens. The study especially saw the link between psychological stress and physical health problems.
They also investigated the possibility of a change of eating habits, exercise, or smoking, or by participants’ socioeconomic status. Can have any impact on the health of the people.
What are the chances of developing the health problems?
As per reports, a person who reports high distress level has 110 percent chance of developing such disease. However, the person who reported a low level of distress. He has a chance of 72 percent of health issues.
However, there are no links between the development of diabetes and low-level distress among people. Taking a look at these studies, experts have highly suggested getting proper rest and diet. Also, always try to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Which can help with psychological stress? Eventually reducing the risk of health issues. If not kept in check even small stress can lead to health issues.