Headaches, which is the most common problem these days. They are self-induced through stress, diet or lack of movement and other times they signal that something else is might be going on inside our bodies. There are millions of people who suffer from headache and chronic migraines (i.e;pulsating headaches, often in one side of the head). Also, these headaches and migraines often involve painful and awful symptoms. People want to cure this by alternative methods other than medication in natural ways. If you are one among those who are looking for the other methods to heal the pain you can read here.
The method is called Auricular Acupuncture which is proving itself to be the perfect remedy for treating headaches. This is a natural way to relieve the pain by a specific type of ear piercing.
This method is very similar to reflexology which includes a reflex point to fix irregularity between different body points. In this method, different points in the ear are stimulated manually with fingers pressing or by needles. One of the most important acupuncture points on the ear is located precisely accurately where this piercing is done.
Piercing helps in reducing both, the intensity and frequency of pain. It targets some special points (pressure points) which are known to cure pain and modulate it. The treatment has given great results. The people who have received Daith piercing have coincidentally found great improvement. These little rings are your pain killers. Also, they look great too.