People with COPD Can Have A Risk of Death from Antidepressants

People with chronic pulmonary obstructive disease (COPD). These people have symptoms like breathlessness, coughing, and chest tightness. As per a report around 70 percent of people suffering from COPD. Deals with deal with anxiety and other mood disorders. Now according to the reports, some Antidepressants can increase the risk of death. Among these people by 20 percent.



What do experts say?

Dr. Nicholas Vozoris, lead author of the study and an assistant professor in the Department of Medicine at the University of Toronto, as well as a respirologist at St. Michael’s Hospital, says the findings are not surprising.

“These drugs can cause sleepiness, vomiting, and can negatively impact immune system cells. This increases the likelihood of infections, breathing issues, and other respiratory adverse events, especially in patients with COPD,” Vozoris said in an article on the St. Michael’s website.

“Unfortunately, information like this can take years to get out into clinics. By this time, many patients can already have experienced adverse side effects,” he told Healthline.

Another COPD advocate John Linnell said,

“I’m very curious if this problem is common knowledge among pulmonologists,” he told Healthline. “If it’s common knowledge to every doctor that it’s bad for respiratory patients, then the study is worthless. Well, I shouldn’t say worthless, but it doesn’t mean as much. However, if this is something that’s new, that pulmonologists are not aware of, and it’s the primary care physician doing the prescribing, and the pulmonologist is unaware of it, and all of a sudden, you’ve got more readmissions, then yeah, then you’re really onto something.”



He raised a question that is being built by many and is a significant issue.

“Who is prescribing the antidepressant? Is it the pulmonologist? Alternatively, is it the primary care physician?” he asked.

He also added that he knows from personal experience the problematic nature of several doctors managing one patient.

“None of them knew what the other was doing at all unless I took the burden upon myself to let them know,” he said. “The underlying message is that the patient needs to make sure that one doctor needs to know what the other doctor is doing.”



It is really important to make sure that people with COPD have proper medication for them. Which doesn’t leave their lives in danger?