The Position Of Your Acne Reveals A lot About Your Health! Check Out

Everything happens for the reason, so does the acne. Like your personality says a lot about your health, the location of your pimples also reveals a lot about your health.

According to the Chinese Traditional Medicine (TCM), the face is the window to the innermost parts of the body, and that is what on our faces tells us about what is going on inside of us.

Acne on your face says a lot about your Health:

Look carefully at where you’re breaking out. There is a theory called “face mapping” that combines modern skin care with Traditional Chinese Medicine, which says that your skin reflects your inner health and that different areas of the face are connected to different organs in the body. With the aid of this method, we can easily decode what’s going wrong inside our body. If you get acne, you can understand what may be causing it by analyzing where on the face you get it. Isn’t it cool? Let’s check it out!

Where are You Breaking Out?


#1 Between The Eyebrows

The area between and surrounding the eyebrows is thought to be associated with liver functioning. Acne here can be a sign that there is something wrong with your liver.

To address this issue, cut down on alcohol, dairy products and greasy foods that puts too much stress on the liver. Stick with healthy choices as much as you can!

#2 Upper Forehead

The upper forehead is directly linked to your digestive system, especially large intestine, and the bladder. When your digestive system doesn’t work systematically, then forehead acne is caused. A large build up of toxins created due to a poor diet causes problems when the body attempts to break down the food.

So try to cut out junk food and foods high in fat and observe the change.  Also, eating cold foods like cucumbers, less sugary and processed foods and drinking a lot of water can help in reducing the problem.

#3 Lower Forehead

Lower Forehead (the area just above the eyebrows) is said to be associated with mind and spirit. Breakouts in this area are thought to be caused by psychological factors (stress, anxiety, or depression) and problems with proper blood circulation. To prevent these issues, take steps to manage stress and find time to wind down and relax with yourself.

#4 The Nose

Acne on the nose is said to be associated with heart-related problems, such as high or irregular blood pressure and chronic or acute stress. Eating a healthier diet can solve the problem. So, replace the spicy food and fat from your diet with healthy things such as nuts.

#5 The Cheeks

Breakouts on the cheeks are related to the respiratory system. They reveal about your poor lung functioning. People who suffer from bronchitis and respiratory allergies may find themselves suffering from breakouts in this area. It may also be caused due to air pollution and smoking habits.

Increasing your exposure to fresh air and going for long walks outdoors can solve the problem. Also, avoid smoking and allergens in order to clear up pesky breakouts on the cheeks.

#6 The Mouth

It is linked to the stomach and small intestine and can be caused by too much constipation and fast food. Again, your diet is important so choose wisely.

Also, poor dental hygiene can affect the skin around your mouth. Your mouth infections generally show in this area and cause acne. Clean your teeth thoroughly at least twice a day.

#7 Chin & Jawline

Breakouts on the chin and jawline are often related to hormones and the menstrual cycle for women. When any woman’s period is due by few days or weeks, then acne is directly reflected on her chin.

It may also point to a problem with kidneys working overtime, as the sides of the chin are connected to the reproductive organs, urinary tract, and kidneys.  Again, the best solution for breakouts in this area is to schedule in relaxation time.

#8 Ears

Those annoying pimples that pop up on the ears are said to be indicative of kidney function. When the kidneys are functioning at a less-than-optimal level, you get breakouts on the ears. So make sure to reduce dietary sodium intake and drink plenty of water each day to avoid impaired kidney function (and ear acne!).