Science Shows That Coffee is Right for You, Read Below

Recently studies show that Coffee is actually way more beneficial for you, than you may think. According to the reports, no matter how much coffee you drink and what kind. You are less likely to die over 10 years of time period compared to those who don’t drink coffee.



Even those, who drink much coffee is less likely to die early than people who don’t drink coffee.

What does the team say who did this study?

The team at the National Cancer Institute used data from people taking part in an extensive genetic study in Britain called the U.K. Biobank. More than half a million people volunteered to give blood and answer detailed health and lifestyle questions for ongoing research into genes and health.

They looked into who drink how much coffee and who doesn’t.

“Coffee drinkers, compared with non–coffee drinkers, were more likely to be male, white, former smokers, and drink alcohol,” Lotfield’s team wrote.
“Participants drinking four or more cups per day, compared with those drinking less coffee and nondrinkers, were more likely to drink instant coffee and be current smokers, whereas participants drinking one to three cups per day were older, more likely to have a university degree, and more likely to report ‘excellent’ health.”



According to reports, in last 10 years, more than 14,000 people died. However, reports suggested that coffee drinker were less likely to die.
“There has been concern about the health effects of heavy coffee drinking, particularly in participants with common genetic polymorphisms (differences) that affect caffeine metabolism,” the researchers wrote.

“For example, prior studies have suggested that variants in CYP1A2, (a gene) encoding the enzyme responsible for more than 95 percent of caffeine metabolism, may alter associations of coffee drinking with cardiovascular-related outcomes, with slower caffeine metabolizers having higher risk of developing hypertension (high blood pressure) or having a myocardial infarction (heart attack) relative to their non-drinking counterparts, whereas faster caffeine metabolizers who drink coffee are at no or lower risk of these outcomes.”



However, the researchers said there is no sign of having more benefits of drinking more coffee than what one should usually drink. The reduction in death rates did not get better as people drank more cups of daily coffee.