5 Simple Tricks That Will Help You Maintain A Healthy Lifestyle

Many people wish to lose weight and get into better shape. They often set very high goals for themselves that can be difficult for them to achieve or even to stick to due to their busy schedules.

What is a Healthy Living?

Confused with leading a healthy lifestyle and healthy living? Healthy living is a state in which you are mentally, physically, and spiritually healthy. Leading a healthy lifestyle is the first step towards a healthy living!

Why is it important to have a Healthy Lifestyle?

Healthy lifestyle habits can help prevent diseases like diabetes, hypertension, heart ailments, etc. A healthy lifestyle can even help manage an already existing condition well too!

How do you Live a Healthy Lifestyle?

Simple, by inculcating a few healthy lifestyle tips every day, you can go a long way in improving your overall health and mental well-being. From drinking upwards of 8 glasses of water a day to eating healthy snacks, the following tips can ensure that you lead a healthy lifestyle.

Healthy Lifestyle Tip 1:

Start your day with a glass of water and stay hydrated all day long.

It is a long known secret that drinking water as soon as you get up, i.e. before eating anything is essential for a healthy lifestyle. This practice helps to flush off the toxins from our body and cleanses the colon, thus enabling better absorption of nutrients from various foods.

Water gives you a healthy start because it serves as the body’s transportation system and helps in proper circulation of nutrients in the body.

Also, you need to be sure that you are staying hydrated all day to ensure that your muscles do not cramp, that you feel fuller longer, and to stay awake and alert. It is suggested to drink at least eight glasses of water each day unless you are working out. You need to drink more when you work out, to make up for the water you lose when you sweat.

Healthy Lifestyle Tip 2:

Make some time for a morning exercise routine.

Try taking time out for at least 15 minutes of morning exercise. It could be something simple like jogging, squats, planks, or even a few Surya namaskars.

Healthy Lifestyle Tip 3:

Consume your breakfast within an hour of waking up. Ensure it is high in protein.

Always breakfast should be healthier, heavier, and eaten at earliest. The best time to have breakfast is 7 am, or within the first hour of waking up.

Almost 60% of our total calories should come from our breakfast. Eating fruits, the first thing in the morning, after a glass of water is highly advisable, because fruits may not be digested and absorbed properly if eaten right after a meal. Then, follow up breakfast with protein-rich items like egg or sprouts.

After a protein-rich food, you can consume regular breakfast items consisting of complex carbs or healthy carbs such as idly, wheat vegetable upma, vegetable dosa etc.

After breakfast, take 2 hours before you drink or eat anything.

Healthy Lifestyle Tip 4:

Consume healthy snacks every 2-3 hours a day.

You may have a healthy diet plan but as long as you don’t account for snacks, you may fail at leading a healthy lifestyle. Always have healthy, non-fried but baked snacks handy. If possible, you can make some yourself at home! That will prevent unnecessary snacking.

Healthy Lifestyle Tip 5:

Enlist Help from a Friend.

Having someone to travel on the journey with you can make the process easier. You will be able to motivate one another and help to encourage each other along the way. You will also have someone to help hold you accountable when you want to give up, take it easy, or eat something you should not be eating.

There are some apps that allow you to compete against others who are on their own weight loss journey to help give you the motivation you need to meet your own goals. You and your friend can download weight loss apps on your phones to track your journey together.