What Does Sitting Longer Than 10-15 Minutes On Toilet Seat Can Cause To Your Health?

What happens if you sit on the toilet for more than 10-15 minutes at a time while pooping? According to gastroenterologists, sitting on your toilet seat for longer than 15 minutes indicates serious health issues. That means you have been having some problem with your system. If you are facing this, read to find out the causes and precautions to be taken.

What does it mean?

Pooping should not be a long-stretched and lingering process. You’re better off keeping your toilet time to less than 10 to 15 minutes. In fact, you should only make your way to the bathroom when the urge hits. If the urge to poop isn’t there, you might be tempted to push or strain to try to get the job done. And all that unnecessary straining could lead to the development of hemorrhoids—bulging blood vessels around your anus that can become swollen and painful or even bleed.

Don’t waste time in the bathroom

Focusing more on reading the paper or scrolling through your phone could get you out of pooping mode.

Here’s why that happens: Something called the peristalsis wave—progressive and recurring contractions, enables our body to carry stool along our bowel as well as sparks our need to poop. Once the stool hits the rectum, you feel the urge to go.

Difficulty in pooping

In case you don’t go when that feeling hits, there are chances that you might experience a process called reverse peristalsis, where the stool backs up slightly into your colon. This can make trying to poop even, well, harder. The harder and dryer your stool is, the more difficult it is to pass. (Your colon extracts some of the fluid from your stool, which can contribute to constipation).

So if the impulse for poop goes, don’t stress on pooping. Instead, get off the toilet seat and wait until the next pressure generates—it might be a couple hours.


If it frequently takes you more than 10-15 minutes to poop, then it could be a sign that there’s something wrong with you. Of course, spending more time in the toilet is also an indicator of constipation.

Add plenty of fibers to your diet

Make sure you’re getting plenty of fiber. You should have at least 38 grams of fiber in your diet.

You may also want to ask your doctor about taking a magnesium supplement, which relaxes the bowel – so things move along more smoothly.

Coffee can help you poop

If you need a quick fix, a cup of coffee a day can keep constipation away.

Sipping coffee in the morning may help stimulate the muscle contractions involved in the peristalsis wave. This will help you ease while pooping and make you feel better.

Also Read: You’ve Been Pooping Wrong Your Whole Life And You Don’t Even Know About It