Airports Authority of India (AAI) released the notification and invited online applications for the recruitment of Junior Executive ATC posts. A huge number of candidates who had qualified in GATE examination applied for these posts. All the candidates who had applied are eagerly waiting for the list of the selected candidates and the interview schedule. AAI is going to conduct the interviews for the shortlisted candidates from 7th to 16th January 2016. Candidates can check the interview schedule and download the call letters from the official website or from the direct link provided below.
AAI Jr Executive Electronics Interview Call Letter 2015:
The Airports Authority of India (AAI) under the Ministry of Civil Aviation is responsible for creating, upgrading, maintaining and managing civil aviation infrastructure in India. It recruits the candidates who had qualified in the GATE examination. This year it has released the notification and the candidates who had applied can check the interview schedule and download the call letter from the official website.
Note: AAI Jr. Executive Electronics Interview Call Letter will send to the registered main ID’s
Check AAI Jr Executive Electronics Interview Schedule 2015:
AAI is going to conduct the interviews for Jr Executive Electronics posts from 7th to 16th January 2016. Candidates who had applied for these posts can check the interview schedule. The call letters fro the interviews will send through the mail by AAI. However, here we have provided the schedule for all the candidates.
Name of the Organization: Airports Authority of India (AAI)
Name of the Post: Jr Executive Electronics
Category: Interview Schedule/ Interview Call Letter
How to Check AAI Jr Executive Electronics Interview Schedule & Interview Call Letter 2015:
- Visit the official website or the direct link provided below.
- The homepage will be displayed.
- Click on AAI Jr Executive Electronics Interview Schedule.
- The list of the selected candidates along with the date of interview will appear on the screen.
- Check the schedule.
- The call letter will be sent to the registered mail ID.
Click Here: To Check AAI Jr Executive Electronics Interview Schedule
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