Air India will Charge a “flat rate” For Bringing Back Bodies from Gulf Countries

Air India announced that they will do a flat rate for bringing back dead bodies from six Gulf countries

Air India will be bringing back dead bodies from Gulf Countries and will charge a flat rate, they have decided to reduce their prices by 40 percent.

On Monday Air India said: “After discussions with the Ministry of External Affairs and the Ministry of Civil Aviation, we have decided that we will be charging a ”flat rate” to bring back dead bodies from six Gulf countries…This flat rate would be 40 percent lower than what is usually charged.”

The Airline Company also added that they will be going to do a “flat rate services” for miss-happenings like bringing a dead body back from Gulf Countries like Kuwait, Qatar, UAE, Oman, Bahrain, and Saudi Arabia.

Air India will be charging Rs.29,000 for United Arab Emirates, Rs. 41,800 for Saudi Arabia, Rs. 43,000 for Qatar, Rs. 42,500 for Bahrain, Rs. 29,500 Oman, and Rs. 40,900 for Kuwait.

50 lakh Indian Citizens live in Gulf Countries, the numbers were released in 2017 in the UN’s 2017 International Migration Report.