Chhattisgarh Professional Examination Board (CG Vyapam) successfully conducted written examination for the recruitment of Patwari posts on 28th February 2016. A huge number of eligible and interested candidates who are looking for the jobs in Chhattisgarh applied and appeared for the examination. Aspirants who had written the examination are searching for the answer key so that they can analyse the performance in the examination and predict the results. Aspirants can check the unofficial answer key from the direct link provided below. Here we will update the official answer key as soon as after the release. Candidates can also check CG Vyapam Patwari cutoff marks from the article.
CG Vyapam Patwari Answer Key/ Cutoff Marks 2016:
The Chhattisgarh Professional Examination Board (CG Vyapam) conducts entrance examination for admission to various professional and other educational institutions, on the request of the State Government, other State Governments, Central Government, Universities and national or state level institutions.
Also, it develops the selection systems and/or conduct selection process in respect of the appointments being made by the State Government, other State Governments, Central Government, public sector undertakings, Semi-Government Institutions and to conduct such selection on their request. This year it has released notification for the patwari posts and the candidates who had appeared for the examination can check the answer key from the official website.
CG Vyapam Patwari Cutoff Marks 2016:
The cutoff marks for the patwari recruitment written examination will be updated here shortly. However, the cutoff marks will depend on the depend on the total number of candidates appeared for the examination, difficulty of the paper and category.
Check CG Vyapam Patwari Answer Key 2016:
CG Vyapam released notification and invited online applications for the recruitment of 372 patwari posts. All the eligible and interested candidates applied and appeared for the examination. Aspirants who had written the examination can check the answer key which is solved by various private coaching institutions from the direct link provided below.
Name of the Organization: Chhattisgarh Professional Examination Board (CG Vyapam)
Name of the Post: Patwari
Total Number of Vacancies: 372
Category: Answer Key
Date of the Exam: 28th Feb 2016
Steps to Check CG Vyapam Patwari Answer Key 2016:
- The answer key is not yet released.
- We will provide Check CG Vyapam Patwari Answer Key 2016.
- Aspirants can check the answer key for all the sets here.
- Please visit the site after 2 hours.
Stay tuned to this website. We will update CG Vyapam Patwari answer key, cut off marks, results, merit list etc. Press CTRL+D to bookmark this page for easy navigation.