Former Bank Manager Kills Wife And Blames Her Death On Snake Bite

A former bank manager from Indore, Madhya Pradesh, was arrested on December 4, 2019, for strangling his 35-year-old wife to death and for blaming her death on a snake bite.

36-year-old Amitesh Pateria, a former bank manager, killed his wife by strangling her.

To cover up her death, the man planted a dead cobra’s fangs on the hand of the corpse of 35-year-old Shivani, his wife.

Upon informing the incident to the police, he said the snake killed her.

Shailendra Singh Chauhan, a senior police officer, released a statement about the incident.

The statement said, “Pateria allegedly killed his wife following a family feud on December 1. The accused then planted the dead cobra’s fangs on the hand of his wife’s corpse to mislead police into believing that she died of snake bite.”

An autopsy was done on the body of Shivani, and the reports suggested that Shivani’s dead was a result of strangulation.

Preliminary investigations revealed Amitesh bought a black desert cobra from Alwar, Rajasthan, for Rs. 5,000 11 days before he murdered Shivani.

Amitesh hid the snake in a cupboard.

Amitesh killed the cobra after he murdered his wife and tried to destroy all the evidence in the crime scene.

After investigations, images found on the phone of Amitesh and the autopsy report indicated the husband and his family killed Shivani.

38-year-old Richa Chaturvedi and 73-year-old Imprakash Pateria were also arrested for taking part in the crime.

The 3 family members were arrested by the police.