Videos : Very Funny and Comedy Videos of Athakodalu

Everyone are aware of this funny and comedy  videos by Yodha and Ramya as Athakodalu. These two are really very talented and their expressions shows everything. These videos have become viral in social networking sites as well on internet everywhere. Here are the collection of the videos made by those cute kids Yodha and Ramya in and as Athakodalu.

Yodha and Ramya Sree Athakodalu Beating Youngman

Dailogue by Yodha Athakodalu
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Yodha N Ramya Athakodalu

Yodha AthaKodalu Coffee Visham Funny Comedy
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Yodha Counter on Ramyasri Atha Gold Ornaments AthaKodalu

Yodha and Ramya funny crying Athakodalu
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