Hyderabad Police Commissioner M. Mahender Reddy gave an order on Thursday that public meetings and processions are prohibited within the city limits from 13th to 19th August till 6 A.M. The public meetings should not be organized without obtaining prior permission of the zonal Deputy Commissioners of Police.
Also, the public has also been prohibited from carrying arms such as swords, spears, knives, sticks with or without flags bludgeons, guns, explosives and other offensive weapons and gathering of persons on public roads or places, and carrying of stones are also prohibited. Usage of mikes, public address systems by different organisations around the Secretariat premises, including the Burgula Rama Krishna Rao Building, Greater Hyderabad Municipal Corporation Building, Commissioner of Fisheries Building, Mint Compound, Nizam College and its surroundings, Telangana /A.P. Legislative Assembly premises and surrounding roads, Public Garden Nampally, Upper Tankbund, I–MAX, Rotary and NTR Marg roads also fly-over road leading from Secretariat to Visweswarayya Statue at Khairatabad, has also been banned.
Mr. Mahendar Reddy said that “those violating the orders will be liable for prosecution.”