India With 3,000 Tigers Is “One Of The Safest Habitats” For Big Cats In The World

International Tiger Day 2019: Prime Minister Narendra Modi just confirmed that India has around 3,000 tigers in the country and added that the country is “one of the safest habitats” for tigers in the world.

In 2014, India had 2,226 tigers, in 2018, India had 2,967, and this year, Prime Minister Modi said that the country has 3000 tigers.

PM Modi said, “The results of the just declared tiger census would make every Indian, every nature lover happy.”

PM Modi added, “Nine long years ago, it was decided in St. Petersburg that the target of doubling the tiger population would be 2022. We, in India, completed this target four years early.”

The International Tigers day is celebrated every year on July 29, to raise awareness on tiger conservation.

In his speech, PM Modi said, “I am confident that India will prosper both economically and environmentally. India will build more roads and India will have cleaner rivers. India will have better train connectivity and also greater tree coverage.”