Indian Boy Born With Three Penises and No Anus Undergoes Surgery

A young boy in Uttar Pradesh, India was born with three penises which are a phenomenon of Diphallic Dude, or Double Dick Dude. Excuse me you read that right. Yeah, this is the story of a double dick dude or a Diphallic Dude which would leave everyone to be filled with wonder. Genetically this kind of medical phenomenon’s occur with only a few people in very rare cases.

two years old boy in uttar pradesh born with three dicks

Uttar Pradesh Lad Blessed with Three Penises

India’s largest state Uttar Pradesh sleuthed this rare context of an infant boy born with three penises and no anus. Locals and the people who had been through this rare medical occurrence have been left with wonderment.  A few section of people across the nation earlier decried about this rare condition of the infant child born with three dicks or penises.

The doctors of Sion Hospital in China reported about the condition of the boy through various media sources with astonishment. Sion Hospital pediatric surgery head, Dr. Paras Kothari said, “The boy suffers from Diphallia. At birth, he had three penises, but he was able to pass urine through only one of them.”  However as per the doctors, the boy with three penises would be able to use only one of three to urinate since the rest had an erectile tissue.

Two penises of the young boy were found to be with three masses of expandable, sponge-like tissue involved in penile erection where the third one was undeveloped and non-functional. Medical studies brief that this rare medical condition of duplication of the penis which is also called as diphallia occurs with one in every six million births.

boy born with diphallia duplication of penises with three dicks in uttar pradesh

 Like many other abnormalities which occur with the just born infants of humans such as gastrointestinal defects or double bladder, diphallia is also a common abnormality. What makes this diphallia more emphasized in the case of this boy is the lacking of anus allowing to pass dejections typically.

Boy Born with Three Penises Undergoes Operation

Discovering it as the critical issue, surgeons suggested performing surgery to the genital organs of the young boy so as to correct the problem. Surgeon perfumed a surgery called colostomy over the two years boy with diphallia duplication of the penises to avoid any future complications making his life more dewy-eyed.

Sion Hospital pediatric surgeon Dr. Vishesh Dixit said that the colostomy surgery involves blocking the available opening valves of the penises inside the abdominal wall from which stools can be collected into an attached bag.  The medical operation performed by the group of doctors necessitates them to free the two-year-old child his colostomy bag to create an itinerary through his rectum to facilitate the transition of stool through a new forged anus. Along with the bony mass sponge-like tissue involved in penile erection have been removed with the rest of two vestigial penises of the boy by the group of surgeons of Sion Hospital.

Fusing the rest of the two more developed penises together surgeons for forged a penis from them in an operating which of six hours. The two years old boy is said to be recovering slowly while a short period of time he has to use the colostomy bag until he gets healed completely. Sion Hospital pediatric surgeons claimed that they have ensured that neither sexual function nor fertility function of boy gets affected after this surgery.

We wish a speedy recovery for the young lad who is born with the three dicks diphallia duplication of the penises disorder. Share your stray thoughts with us by leaving your comments below. Stay tuned with us for more updates by bookmarking (press Ctrl+D) us in your web browser.