Indian Govt To Launch It’s Own Operating System ‘BOSS’ To Replace Microsoft Windows

Indian Government is all set to launch its own operating system. The new operating system is an updated version of India’s own open source OS called Bharat Operating System Solutions (BOSS). The newly and highly improved version of operating system (OS), Bharat Operating System Solution (BOSS), which was initially developed in 2007 by National Resource Centre for Free/Open Source Software (NRCFOSS) of India.

Government of India to roll BOSS to replace Microsoft Windows:

The latest version of BOSS, which was developed by Pune-based organisation ‘Centre for Development of Advanced Computing’ (C-DAC). The organisations like Gujarat Technological University (GTU), Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO), etc. were involved in the development of new OS. This OS is available in 18 languages including regional languages such as Assamese, Malayalam, Bengali, Marathi, Gujarati and many others. The latest (OS) operating system will be having 3.14 GNOME and desktop environment version 3.4. It features the latest Kernel 3.16 and will support Intel’s architecture 64-bit/32-bit, 32-bit Intel GPU as well as 3D desktop and it has many more features.

The latest version of Bharat Operating System Solution (BOSS) will be having an on-screen keyboard which will support all major languages of India and it will have a bulk file converter inbuilt in the system to ensure a safe and speed transfer of data from one OS to BOSS. The new Operating System (OS) is believed to have been launched to overcome the vulnerabilities that exist in government cyberspace for countless attacks by hackers. C-DAC has included some other features like Unicode 7, Ocra Screen Reader, E-speak and Magnifier, these additional features.

BOSS OS uses the Linux distribution, which is an ‘LBS Certified’ which means that the software has been certified by the Linux Foundation for compliance with the Linux Standard Base standard. It’s being stated that fresh codes have been written for this new OS, and the code has been given to department of electronics and information technology (DEITY) to make it foolproof and ready to use for the ministry.

In future, the Indian Government will be also launching next version of OS called EduBOSS, which will be designed for teachers and students. This next version of OS will be having all required educational tools and applications for the students of primary, secondary and higher levels.