Madhya Pradesh Professional Examination Board (MPPEB) conducted the written examination for the recruitment of Watchman Teacher PTI posts on 22nd November 2015. A large number of candidates applied and appeared for the examination which was held at various examination centers. All the candidates who had appeared for the exam are searching for the answer key so as to predict the marks and estimate the result.
Candidates who had written the exam can check the unofficial answer key from the below article which is solved by the private coaching institutions. The official answer key was not yet released. Here we will update the link of the official answer as soon as after the release.
MPPEB Watchman Teacher PTI Answer Key 2015:
Madhya Pradesh Professional Examination Board (MPPEB), popularly known as Vyapam an abbreviation of its Hindi name Madhya Pradesh Vyavsayik Pariksha Mandal, is a professional examination board of Madhya Pradesh, India. It conducts various tests for admission to professional courses and streams. It is the largest examination conducting the body of Madhya Pradesh and comes directly under the Directorate of Technical Education (Government of Madhya Pradesh). This year it has released the recruitment notification for filling up the vacancies in Watchman Teacher PTI and conducted the examination. Aspirants who had written the exam can check the answer key from the official website.
Check MPPEB Watchman Teacher PTI Answer Key 2015:
MPPEB released the recruitment notification and invited online applications for filling up 871 vacancies in MPPEB Watchman Teacher PTI posts. All the aspirants who are looking for the jobs in Madhya Pradesh applied and appeared for the examination. The exam was scheduled on 22nd November 2015 and the candidates who had appeared for the exam can check the answer key from the official website or from the below. As the official answer key was not yet released aspirants can check the answer key of the respective sets which is solved by the private coaching institutions.
Name of the Organization: Madhya Pradesh Professional Examination Board (MPPEB)
Total Number of Posts: 871
Name of the Post: Watchman Teacher PTI
Date of the Exam: 22nd November 2015
Category: Answer Key
Selection Procedure:
The selection procedure is based on the performance in the written examination, Physical Efficiency test and the Personal Interview. Aspirants should qualify in the written exam so that they are eligible for further rounds
Steps to Check MPPEB Watchman Teacher PTI Answer Key 2015:
- Answer keys have not been released yet. Once the key is released you can check here – click here
Note: The answer key is not yet released. So, we urge you to stop searching on the web and bookmark this webpage. We are working on the answers and once we are done we will upload the key right here. So, you can bookmark us (CTRL+D) and visit back to this webpage after 2 hours.