Narendra Modi’s development project will work in Varanasi Google

Narendra Modi won with overwhelming votes from Varanasi consstituncy and now modi would like to thank the same city. This initiative would make it a center of cultural heritage of Varanasi and the work has begun. Modi proclaimed that Google will work in Varanasi on a project.



According to the experts in this work as appeared in the Economic Times reported, Consultants has started functioning. People are working on city beautification and safety. Since Modi announced development of Varanasi many companies have come forward to join the project. Many companies in the context of Modi is also in talks with the team.

Modi himself in Varanasi growth of social networking sites are discussed. Facebook Chief Operating Officer Sheryl Sandberg last month’s visit to India, she also held talks with Modi took it. However, Google has now refused to say anything in this regard. The company spokes person said, “We submitted online to India’s national monuments are working closely with the Department of Indian Purttw, but it is not much yet to share any information.”

According to people involved with this project with Modi, Modi, Vision Kashi emphasis on preserving the city’s mythology. It will be launched on August 20. Even before starting the cleaning operation has been meeting with municipal and have been instructed to work fast. Also on the agenda of Modi help center for tourists here in a few months, and upgradation of the airport for international travelers such as Visa on Arrival facility. Modi also want to create a state of art music academy.

Mayor of Varanasi Gopal Mohale said, “Narendra Modi institutions proposed in the role of guardian of the houses want to see music.” Varuna river and the ghats of Varanasi Development Authority reported that job growth is going to be completed soon.