Oh My God is an upcoming Telugu Horror movie directed by Srivaastav. The film is set to release on 8th January 2016. Nacchavule fame Tanish and Meghashri are playing the lead roles in the film. The film belongs to Horror-Comedy genre. The Producer of the film is Venu Mukkapati, Co-producer is Chanamala Purushotham and the film is made under AR Entertainments Banner. Music is given by Raj Kiran.
Oh My God Telugu Movie Cast and Crew:
Director: Srivaastav
Producer: Venu Mukkapati
- Tanish
- Meghashri
- Pavani
Cast: Vijay Sai, Jyothi, Ravi Prakash, Jeeva, Tirupati Prakash
Co-Producer: Chanamala Purushotham
Banner: AR Entertainments
Music: Raj Kiran
Cinematography: Raju Thota
Editor: Upendra
Genre: Horror-Comedy
Language: Telugu
Release Date: 8th January 2016
Oh My God Telugu Story Line:
Oh My God movie is directed by Srivaastav. The cast of the movie is Vijay Sai, Jyothi, Ravi Prakash, Jeeva and Tirupati Prakash. A group of people including hero and heroine lands in a house. They soon realize that there are ghosts in the house and try to come out. The film is about whether the group came out of the house or they were killed by the ghosts.
Oh My God Telugu Movie Review:
Oh My God is a Horror-Comedy entertainer. Heroine Meghashri acting has been outstanding. The background score was given by Roshan Saluri and he has done a good job. Though the film is a Horror Comedy, songs are quite different related to the subject. Comedy is another key in the movie. There are many comedians acted in the film. Usually, Horror with Comedy is the best combination which gives a clean and superb output to the audience.
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