Punjab police department is scheduled to conduct the physical test for the recruitment of Intelligence Assistance (Constable) posts from 25th to 27th October 2016. A huge number of candidates who are looking for the police jobs applied for these posts. Candidates who had applied are searching for the Punjab Police Intelligence Assistance PET/ PMT Admit Card as it is the crucial document to carry for the exam and contains details regarding exam venue, roll number etc. Punjab Police department released Intelligence Assistance Admit Card 2016. Candidates can download admit card from the direct link provided below.
Punjab Police Intelligence Assistance Physical Test Admit Card 2016:
Punjab Police has had an extremely proud history and the legend of keeping duty before self. Even before Independence, Punjab Police had a name in the country for effective policing and this has been continuously improving through the personal examples of its leadership supported by great traditions, discipline, and highly professional attitude. The emergence of Punjab Police as a separate organization is a post-1861 development, which took place after the British annexation of Punjab in 1849. In about 150 years of its existence, the police force in the state has faced many difficult phases. The onus of handling law and order has always been a challenge before the police mainly because of the inherent martial traditions prevailing in the state.
Every year it conducts various examinations for the recruitment of various posts in different departments. This year it has released notification for the Intelligence Assistance posts and the candidates who had applied can download admit card for the Physical test from the official website.
Punjab Police Intelligence Assistance PET/PMT Admit Card:
Punjab Police department released notification and invited online applications for the recruitment of 725 Intelligence Assistance posts. A large number of eligible and interested candidates applied for the recruitment. Candidates who had applied can download Physical Test Admit card from the direct link provided below. Without admit card candidate is not allowed to write the exam.
Name of the Organization: Punjab Police Department
Name of the Post: Intelligence Assistance
Total Number of Vacancies: 725
Category: Physical Test Admit Card
Release of Admit Card: Released
Steps to Download Punjab Intelligence Assistance Constable Physical Test Admit Card 2016:
- Visit the official website or the direct link provided below.
- The homepage will be displayed.
- Click on Punjab police Intelligence Assistance Admit Card 2016.
- Enter your username and Password in the provided fields.
- Click on submit button.
- The admit card will appear on the screen.
- Download/ Take a printout for further reference.
>>Download Punjab Police Intelligence Assistance PET/ PMT Admit Card 2016 Here
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