Punjab Police Recruitment Board successfully conducted written examination for the recruitment of constable posts. A huge number of eligible and interested candidates applied and appeared for the exam. All the candidates who had written the exam are eagerly waiting for the results. Now, the wait is over. Punjab Police declared constable recruitment exam results. Candidates can check the list of the selected candidates from the direct link provided below.
Punjab Police Results 2016:
The emergence of Punjab Police as a separate organization is a post 1861 development, which took place after the British annexation of Punjab in 1849. The Punjab Police is responsible for law enforcement in the state of Punjab, India. The mission of Punjab Police is the prevention and detection of crime, maintenance of law and order and the enforcement of the Constitution of India. The current chief of Punjab Police is Suresh Arora. It conducts various examinations for the recruitment of different posts.
This year it has released notification for the Constable recruitment and the candidates who had written the exam can check the results from the official website.
Punjab Police Constable Results 2016:
Punjab Police Recruitment Board released notification and invited online applications for the recruitment of Constable posts. A large number of eligible and interested candidates applied and appeared for the exam. Candidates who had written the exam can check the results from the direct link provided below. A total of 7,173 candidates have been declared successful. According to the reports candidates who have done M Tech, B Tech and post graduation are among more than 7,000 successful candidates who have been selected. The successful candidates include 162 post graduates, six M Tech, 153 B Tech, 1,181 graduates and 261 diploma holders. About 85% of the candidates selected are in the age group of 19-26 years. The percentage of this age group in Armed Police Cadre (male) is 80%, in District Police Cadre (male) is 83% and in District Police Cadre (female) is 97%.
Name of the Organization: Punjab Police Recruitment Board
Name of the Post: Constable
Category: Results.
Declaration of Results: Declared
Steps to Check Punjab Police Recruitment Results 2016:
- Visit the official website or the direct link provided below.
- The homepage will be displayed.
- Click on Punjab Police Recruitment Test results.
- The list of the selected candidates will appear on the screen.
- Check the results.
- Download/ take a printout for further reference.
>>Check Punjab Police Recruitment Test Results 2016 Here
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