Puzzle: There’s A Hidden Tiger In This Painting. Can You Find It In Seconds?

Who doesn’t like puzzles ? A puzzle is a cause to feel confused because they cannot understand something. If you are the guy who likes puzzles here is the one for you. Now go on give it a try.

There’s a hidden tiger in the image below. Can you spot it within seconds ? This one is a bit complicated. This painting of a tiger in the jungle on distractingly actually has a hidden tiger in it.

Hiddent igher inside a tiger

Yes, there is an extra tiger hidden somewhere in this artwork. It is not easy to find, but once found, is hard to ignore! A wildlife painting involving an optical illusion theme by the American artist Rusty Rust.

Were you able to spot the elusive hidden tiger? If you had trouble with it like the rest of us did, here it is.

A hidden tiger inside

The second tiger is not a physical tiger! It can be found within the phrase “THE HIDDEN TIGER” posing as the stripes on the tiger. What are you waiting for throw the puzzle on your friends now.