Rajasthan Police Department successfully conducted written examination for filling up Constable (General Duty), Constable (Driver) posts on 21st August 2016. A large number of candidates applied and appeared for the examination across various centers in Rajasthan. Candidates who had appeared for the Rajasthan Police constable exam are searching for the answer key so that they can estimate the marks and predict the results. Rajasthan Police department not yet released Constable answer key. Candidates can check the unofficial answer key from the direct link provided below with cutoff marks.
Rajasthan Police Constable Answer Key/ Cutoff Marks 2016:
The Rajasthan Police is the law enforcement agency for the state of Rajasthan in India. The Rajasthan Police has its headquarters in Jaipur, the state capital. The motto of the force is Committed to serve. Rajasthan was formed by the merger of the erstwhile princely states. The security and the police forces of the former princely states varied in composition, functions and administrative procedures. Following the merger, the police forces of the princely states united as of January 1951.
Every year it conducts various examinations for the recruitment of eligible candidates in different departments. This year it has scheduled Special constable recruitment 2016 for TSP/ Saharia regions and the candidates who had written the exam can check the answer key from the official website.
Rajasthan Police Constable cutoff Marks 2016:
The cutoff marks for the Rajasthan Police constable written examination depends on the total number of candidates appeared for the exam, difficulty level of the paper etc. We will update Rajasthan Police Constable cutoff marks here.
Rajasthan Special Constable Answer Key 2016:
The Rajasthan Police department released notification for the Constable posts. A large number of eligible and interested candidates applied and appeared for the examination. Candidates who had written the exam can check the special constable posts can check the answer key which is solved by various private coaching institutions from the direct link provided below.
Name of the Organization: Rajasthan Police Department
Name of the Post: Special Constable.
Date of the Exam: 21st August 2016
Category: Answer key
Steps to Check Rajasthan Special Constable Answer Key 2016:
- The Rajasthan Special constable answer key is not yet released.
- We will update Rajasthan Constable solutions here.
- Candidates can check Rajasthan Constable solutions for all the sets here.
- Please visit the site after 2 hours.
Stay tuned to this website. We will update Rajasthan Constable answer key, results here. Press CTRL+D to bookmark this page for easy navigation.