Here Are The Things You Should Consider Before Travelling To The US After Donald Trump Victory

Well, America comes to terms with their newest and 45th president, Mr. Donald Trump. Republican Candidate Donald Trump has taken an unassailable lead against Democratic Candidate Hillary Clinton to become the 45th US President yesterday. we’re wondering if this impacts Indians traveling to the US. It does. And here’s what you should consider before traveling there, after Trump victory.

But does it affect Indian community over there or Indian who are planning to go to the USA for further studies ? However, Trump has been supportive about Indians during his election campaign, but a deeper look into his style of working tells a different story altogether. Here’s what you should consider before traveling there after Trump victory.

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#1. Dollar Impact:

Donald Trump suggested creating policies that could affect trade. Some analysts have hinted at a fall in the American economy. With this, the rest of the currencies will have an effect along with Dollar. It will be more beneficial to someone traveling from a country like India.

#2. Cheaper Air Tickets:

Because of impact in dollar value, there is a possibility of cheaper air tickets, at least for a short while. So if you plan to book your tickets to the US, just hold on.

#3. US-India Relationship:

The Independent stated that as per Trump’s proposed policies, the hotel industry could scale down on their operations. The consequences being, a costlier stay than the usual in the US.

Trump has made positive statements recently about India and has even suggested strengthening the US-India relationship. So it’s literally a waiting game right now.

#4. A Drop In Demand:

The next best benefit for Indians is an overall drop in demand. This could result in some likable bargains and that’s never bad news which is certainly a plus for us.

#5. A Sombre mood ?

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There could be an overall shift in mood when traveling there: the usual cheer often seen at Disneyland and such might find itself replaced by a more sombre mood.

#6. Trump Supporters:

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Little Caution to those traveling to states like Indiana, Kentucky, and West Virginia where you’re likely to find plenty of Trump supporters. If you plan to visit these places, we would advise you to watch your words. Keep it civil.

#7. Donald Trump World Is Entirely Different:

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Donald Trump world is entirely different and Bulgarian artist Yanko Tsvetkon has envisioned a world map as Trump would see it.

#8. Mood In The United States:

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After Donald Trump victory there are a lot of unhappy people in the United States. The otherwise gleeful Americans are not in their best moods at the moment. You shouldn’t be surprised to see the locals choosing not to interact a lot at the moment.