Tips And Tricks For IBPS PO (Probationary Officers) Clerk Exams

Institute of Banking Personnel Selection (IBPS) is all set to conduct the Online Common Written Examination for recruitment of Probationary Officers in Public Sector Banks. How do I prepare for bank exams, is one top question heard nowadays as many Indian youth are looking aggressively to join public sector banks. Ever since the start of recession fears in IT companies, college freshers have started to look at options that offer job security.So is the reason for many grads to choose government jobs over high paying private sector jobs.A new trend seems to have emerged among.

IBPS PO Exam Syllabus and Tips for Preparation:

Plan early for common exam:

Having decided on the post, its time to begin preparations for examinations. With the introduction of common written exam by Institute of banking personnel selection (IBPS) – you will have to appear for only a single test & can apply to any bank recruitments with that score.

The question paper will most probably contain the following sections: Reasoning, Quantitative aptitude or Numerical reasoning, English, General awareness & Computer knowledge.

For General Knowledge (GK) & Current Affairs Questions: CLICK HERE

Practicing leads to perfection:

More than qualifying, scoring high marks increases your prospects. The more you practice, the better are your chances of reaching good marks in the examination. For this, there are two methods that can be followed

Coaching centre: Many centres for bank exams coaching have sprung up & every city/town has atleast one. Here you will have access to trainers for solving doubts, regular mock tests & individual attention. The fees starts from Rs.6000 & goes upto Rs.10,000

Self study: This is the normal route many aspirants tend to travel.You will have to devote some time among other works in preparing for the exam sections. Previous year`s solved question papers, guides & workbooks are available in bookshops nowadays with which you can prepare from home.The cost of books are available in all popular book stores from Rs.100-400.

For Numerical Ability Solved Model Test Papers: CLICK HERE

Take efforts:

  • Whatever be the mode of preparing, personal effort is very much required as the competition will be high.
  • Understand the exam pattern & frame shortcuts or easy methods for answering a question within the given time.
  • Regular practice will boost your confidence level attend the exam without fear.
  • Keep an eye on the upcoming bank exams & jobs to gather as much information about the specific banking organization that you wish to apply.

Press CTRL+D right now to bookmark this website. Here you can find all study materials and previous question papers PDF’s for free download. These PDF’s might helped you a lot in preparing for exams. All previous Question papers for SSC, RRB, IBPS, IAS (civils), Groups are available in allindiaroundup.com. In this site we provided all the information about Job notification, Admit cards for exams, Materials and previous question papers for exams, Results declared. Stay tuned for this website for more updates.