Top 10 Quotes by President Mukherjee addressing the nation on the eve of India’s 69th Independence Day

 On the eve of 68th anniversary of our Independence I extend warm greetings to you and to all Indians around the world. I convey my special greetings to members of our armed forces, paramilitary forces and internal security forces. I also congratulate all our sportspersons who have participated and won laurels in various tournaments in India and abroad. My congratulations to Shri Kailash Satyarthi, Nobel Peace Prize winner for 2014, who has done the country proud.

Video grab of President Pranab Mukherjee’s speech on the eve of 69th Independence Day

The finest inheritance needs constant care for preservation.  Our institutions of democracy are under stress. The Parliament has been converted into an arena of combat rather than debate. It is time to recall what Dr. B.R. Ambedkar, Chairman of the Drafting Committee of the Constitution, said while making his closing speech in the Constituent Assembly in November 1949 and I quote:”The working of a constitution does not depend wholly upon the nature of the constitution. The constitution can provide only the organs of state, such as the legislature, the executive and the judiciary. The factors on which the working of those organs of the state depends are the people and the political parties they will set up as their instruments to carry out their wishes and their politics. Who can say how the people of India and their parties will behave?” (unquote)If the institutions of democracy are under pressure, it is time for serious thinking by the people and their parties. The correctives must come from within.

Our country’s rise will be measured by the strength of our values, but it will equally be determined by economic growth and equitable distribution of the nation’s resources. Our economy promises much hope for the future. The new chapters of the ‘India Story’ are waiting to be written. ‘Economic reforms’ is a work-in-progress. Our performance over the last decade has been commendable; and it is most heartening that after a dip, we have recovered to 7.3% growth in 2014-15. But the benefits of growth must reach the poorest of the poor much before they land in the bank accounts of the richest of the rich. We are an inclusive democracy, and an inclusive economy; there is place for everyone in the hierarchy of wealth. But the first call goes to those who suffer on the brink of deprivation. Our policies must be geared to meet the ‘Zero Hunger’ challenge in a foreseeable future.

The symbiotic relationship between man and nature has to be preserved. A generous nature when violated can turn into a destructive force leading to calamities resulting in huge loss of life and property. Even as I speak, large parts of the nation are barely recovering from floods. We need immediate relief for the afflicted as well as long-term solutions for the management of both, water deficiency and excess.

A nation which forgets the idealism of its past loses something vital from its future. Our educational institutions multiply as the aspirations of generations continue to exceed supply. But what has happened to quality, from base to apex? We recall the guru-shishya parampara with legitimate pride; why then have we abandoned the care, devotion and commitment that is at the heart of this relationship? A guru much like the soft and skilful hands of a potter, moulds the destiny of shishya. The student with devotion and humility acknowledges the debt of the teacher. Society respects and recognizes the merit and scholarship of the teacher. Is that happening in our education system today? Students, teachers and authorities must pause and introspect.

Our democracy is creative because it is plural, but diversity must be nourished with tolerance and patience. Vested interests chip away at social harmony, in an attempt to erode many centuries of secularism. In an age of instant communication through ever-improving technology, we must remain vigilant to ensure that the devious designs of a few never overcome the essential oneness of our people. For both government and people the rule of law is sacrosanct, but society is also protected by something greater than law: humanity. Mahatma Gandhi said and I quote: “You must not lose faith in humanity. Humanity is an ocean; if a few drops of the ocean are dirty, the ocean does not become dirty” (unquote).


1. Our institutions of democracy are under stress. Parliament has been converted into an arena of combat rather than debate
2. If the institutions of democracy are under pressure, it is time for serious thinking by the people and their parties. Correctives must come from within
3. Our country’s rise will be measured by the strength of our values. It will equally be determined by economic growth and equitable distribution of the nation’s resources
4. Benefits of growth must reach the poorest of the poor much before they land in bank accounts of the richest of the rich.
We are an inclusive democracy, and an inclusive economy; there is place for everyone in the hierarchy of wealth.
5. Our democracy is creative because it is plural, but diversity must be nourished with tolerance and patience. Vested interests chip away at social harmony, in an attempt to erode many centuries of secularism.
6. Rule of law is sacrosanct but society is protected by something greater than law – humanity.
7. While we offer our hand willingly in friendship, we cannot stay blind to deliberate acts of provocation and a deteriorating security environment. India is a target of vicious terrorist groups operating from across the borders.
8. Our neighbours must ensure that their territory is not used by forces inimical to India.Infiltration into our territory and attempts to create mayhem will be dealt with a strong hand.
9. India’s strength lies in its unique capacity to blend apparent contradictions into positive affirmations
10. On the fertile ground laid by our Constitution, India has blossomed into a vibrant democracy. The roots are deep but the leaves are beginning to wilt; it is time for renewal.

Top 10 Quotes by President Mukherjee addressing the nation on the eve of India’s 69th Independence Day

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