Uttar Pradesh subordinate Service Selection commission (UPSSSC) conducted the written examination for filling up Chakbandi Lekhpal posts in the month of November 2015. A huge number of candidates applied and appeared for the examination. The results of the same were also declared. Now, UPSSSC released Lekhapal final marksheet. Candidates can check the Chakbandi lekhpal marksheet and OMR sheets from 19th September to 21st September 2016 from the direct link provided below.
UPSSSC Chakbandi Lekhpal Final Marksheet 2016:
The Uttar Pradesh Subordinate Services Selection Commission (UPSSSC) is the state organization authorized to conduct the various examination for appointments to the various posts. Uttar Pradesh Subordinate Services Selection Commission constituted under the provision of the U.P. Subordinate Services Selection Commission Act 2014. The Uttar Pradesh Subordinate Services Selection Commission (UPSSSC) came into existence in November 1988 as UPSSS board with its headquarters at Lucknow.
>>Check UP Lekhpal Final Interview Results Here
In 1990, it was converted into Commission. Its aim is recruiting candidates to various services in the state. It conducts various examinations for recruiting the eligible candidates in different posts. This year it has conducted the lekhpal examination and the candidates who had appeared for the exam can check the marks from the official website.
UP Lekhpal Final Marksheet 2016:
UPSSSC released the notification and invited online applications for the recruitment of 2831 chakbandi lekphal posts. A huge number of eligible and interested candidates applied and appeared for the examination. Candidates who had qualified in the exam appeared for the interviews and the final results were also declared. Candidates can now check the OMR sheets and download the marksheet from the direct link provided below.
Name of the Organization: Uttar Pradesh Subordinate Services Selection Commission (UPSSSC)
Total number of vacancies: 2831
Name of the Post: Chakbandi Lekhpal
Date of the Examination: 8th November 2015
Category: Final Marksheet
Steps to Check UPSSSC Chakbandi Lekhpal Final Marksheet 2016:
- Visit the official website or the direct link provided below.
- The homepage will be displayed.
- Click on UP Lekhpal Markheet.
- Enter your username and Password in the provided fields.
- Click on submit button.
- The marksheet will appear on the screen.
- Download/ Take a printout for further reference.
>>Check UPSSSC Lekhpal Final Marksheet 2016 Here
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