UP Basic Education Board successfully conducted the Teacher Eligibility Test (UP TET) on 2nd February 2016 across various examination centers in Uttar Pradesh. A large number of aspirants applied and appeared for the TET examination. All the aspirants who had written the exam are searching for the answer key so that they can analyse the marks and predict the results. By checking the answer key candidates can get an idea about which questions they have written correctly and estimate the score.
Here we have uploaded the answer key which is solved by various private coaching institutions. However, we will update the official answer key as soon as after the release. Candidates can check the answer key for the Paper-1. We will update the answer key for Paper-2 (afternoon shift) here. Aspirants can also check the previous year and Expected cut-off marks from the article.
>>> Check UPTET 2016 Result here
UP TET Answer Key & Expected Cut Off Marks 2016:
Teacher Eligibility Test known as TET is an Indian entrance examination for teachers. The test is mandatory for getting teaching jobs in government schools from Class 1 to Class 8. Paper 1 is meant for teachers opting for Class 1 to Class 5 and Paper 2 for Class 6 to Class 8. It is conducted by both Central government and State governments in India. Most states conduct their own TET. The test is conducted in order fulfill and achieve the goals of the Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act.
This year UP board released the notification for the TET examination and the candidates who had appeared for the Paper-1 and Paper-2 can check the UP TET 2016 answer key from the official website.
The UPTET Cut off Mark is basically fixed for qualifying in the exam as 55% or 82 Marks for all the SC/ ST candidates and 60% or 150 Marks for all the General Candidates respectively. The cut off marks mainly depends on the total number of candidates appeared for the exam and difficulty of the paper. Here we will update the cut-off marks for both paper-1 and paper-2
Check UP TET Answer Key 2016:
UP TET released the notification and invited online applications for the recruitment of primary level and secondary level teacher posts in the government schools of Uttar Pradesh. All the eligible and interested candidates applied and written the examination. Candidates who had appeared for the exam in the morning and afternoon can check the answer key which is solved by the faculty of private coaching institutions.
Name of the Organization: UP Basic Education Board
Name of the Exam: Uttar Pradesh Teacher Eligibility Test (UP TET)
Date of the Exam: 2nd February 2016
Category: Answer Key
Candidates can check the Un-Official Answer key for UPTET 2016 by logging onto the link provided below. The answer key for all the sets (P,Q,R,S,W,X,Y,Z) for both morning and evening session is available.