Xolo, the Indian smart devices brand has launched a new smartphone namely Xolo One HD at a best-budget price of Rs. 4777 in India. The device is now available for purchase exclusively via the giant E-commerce portal, Amazon India. The domestic smartphone makers had confirmed via a Facebook post that the registrations for the new Xolo One HD will commence in the next three days. However, the company has not yet revealed when the device will go on sale in India. The domestic company has launched a new smartphone called Xolo 8X-1000i in India at an affordable price of Rs. 6999 which is available on Snapdeal.
The new Xolo One HD smartphone sports a 5-inch HD display with a pixel resolution of 720 x 1280 pixels. The display is regarded as the highlight of the handset at this price point. The device measures 143 x 72.6 x 9.5mm. The device is powered by a 1.3GHz quad-core processor which is coupled with 1GB of RAM. On the storage front, the device includes an internal storage of 8GB which can be further expanded up to 32GB via microSD card. It is a dual-SIM smartphone that runs the Android 5.1 Lollipop operating system.
On the camera front, the device comes equipped with an 8-megapixel rear camera with 1.4-micron pixel size and LED flash. On the other side, the smartphone comes with a 5-megapixel front-facing camera on board with LED flash. In terms of connectivity, the device includes GPRS/ EDGE, 3G, GPS, Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, and Micro-USB. The Xolo One HD will be exclusively available in a White colour variant. The device is power-packed by a 2300mAh battery.
Earlier this month, the company has launched a new variant of its Black smartphone with an additional memory, priced at Rs. 11,999. The original Xolo Black that launched back in July came with just 2GB of RAM. The all-new 3GB LPDDR3 RAM variant of the Xolo Black went up for registrations exclusively via Snapdeal and will be available in a flash sale model starting Tuesday.