A Love Story Like Never Before: This Man Shows The True Meaning of LOVE

We all know love is a beautiful feeling and it doesn’t depend on the physical appearance. Now here’s a love story that breaks every possible notion of what love should look and feel like. Find out how conjoined sisters Ganga and Jamuna found love in the same man, Jasimuddin Ahmad.

The 45-year-old CONJOINED twins who are known as the Spider Sisters have been single all their lives and suffered years of rejection because of their unusual appearance. But now they are enjoying the companionship and love they had missed out on for so many years.

The twins, who share a stomach but have separate hearts, kidneys and livers, were born to an impoverished family near Kolkata, West Bengal. Their parents were unable to pay for medical attention and deserted them when they reached their teens, fearing they were a sign of God’s fury.

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