Check Out How This Inspiring Story Of An IIT Graduate Uber Driver Turns Into Debate On Route Map

There are times when you are almost on the verge of losing all faith in humanity, and right then comes along the most ordinary person doing something so extraordinary that they make you believe in the good in the world. Here’s a story that will hit you hard and inspire you to be a better human being.

Shrikant Singh, an Amazon employee in Bengaluru, was returning home via Uber, when he came across someone he describes as “one of the most inspiring people he’s ever met“.

He had a stunning experience with an Uber driver who was an IIT Kharagpur graduate(Anand), spoke fluent English, owned 50 Uber cars and a strawberry farm in Mysore. So then, why is he driving the car then?

Singh wrote about it on a Facebook post that went viral overnight.

“While returning late from office yesterday, I had an encounter with one of the most inspiring men I have ever met.
Anandji (my uber driver) : “Hi, how was your day?” (in superbly fluent English)
Me: (slightly stunned) : “I am good, thank you Sir..”
Post a couple of office calls, I settle down for the long ride home
Anandji :”So how long do you think this ecommerce bubble will last? “
Me: (more stunned)” dunno Sir, I have my own issues to worry about than this”
Me: “Sir, what’s your deal.. You don’t seem to be the average uber driver”
Anandji: “Ohh I am an IIT K graduate from 1986. I was working out of the US and India for the past 30 years and I gave it all up to do my own entrepreneurial stuff. I now have 50 cars plying with Uber and I have a couple of strawberry farms in Mysore”
Me:”So then why are you yourself driving this car around “
Anandji :” Ohh this car met with an accident a few days back and my uber driver died. His family is too proud to take money, so I figured the only way I can help is to drive the car on his behalf and let the income from Uber keep flowing. And I feel happy doing this”
I don’t feel ashamed saying I cried a little..”

This was the route he took.

While there are many people who have applauded the driver and his intentions, many have even called him out and termed him a fake for using the longer route! Regardless of his own qualifications and social status, turned into an online debate about the route of the trip and legitimacy of the story.

Some people claimed that they have been driven by Anand before, and confirmed Shrikant’s story.

Here’s the response of Shrikant Singh to the route-map debate.

Later one of the FB users said: Let’s not forget the significance of the post.

This story proves Humanity Is Not Dead!