Application Process and Details for Staff Selection Commission (SSC) combined higher secondary level (CHSL) 2019

The SSC (Staff Selection Commission) has started the application process for CHSL 2019 (Combined Higher Secondary Level). The official notice for the Combined Higher Secondary Level Exam 2019 is also now available on the official website of the Commission.

The SSC (Staff Selection Commission) will do the exam for recruiting people for the posts of Junior Secretariat Assistant, Lower Divisional Clerk, Sorting Assistant, Postal Assistant, and Data Entry Operators for different Departments and Offices in the Indian Government.

Candidates can now submit their exam applications on the official website of the commission which is ssc.nic.in.

Follow these simple steps to apply for the exam:

The first step is to visit their official website which is ssc.nic.in

The second step is to complete the registration process by registering on their official website, you will have to click on the link that says “Login”, after that you will have to register as a new user. If you already have an account then you can use your credentials to log in.

The third step is to fill up the form. You will be asked to fill in your contact details, photo, signature, and basic details like your birth date, address, and etc.

The fourth step is to click on the tab that says “Apply Online”, you will find it on the top part of the homepage after filling up all the required details.

The fifth step is to select the tab that says CHSL and hit the apply button.

The sixth step is to pay the fee which is Rs. 100.

The SSC (Staff Selection Commission) CHSL 2019 (Combined Higher Secondary Level) examinations will start on July 1, 2019, and will end on July 26, 2019. The subsequent Tier 2 examination is going to happen on September 29, 2019.