RRB NTPC 2019 Recruitment Announces 1.3 Lakh Vacancies in Railways

Minor details of the RRB (Railway Recruitment Board) Recruitment 2019 has been released, the RRB said that there are 1.3 lakh vacancies as of now. The official notice is going to be released in a couple of days.

The recruitment is set to fill up 1 Lakh vacancies for all the Level 1 positions, and the 30,000 positions are for the NTPC (Non-Technical Popular Categories), Ministerial, Isolated Categories, and Para-Medical Staff.

The applications for the Non-Technical Popular Categories (NTPC) are set to be released on 28 February. Willing candidates can start to apply for the post of Para-Medical Staff on March 4 and after. The Isolated and Ministerial Categories are set to be released on 8 March 2019. All applications for the Level 1 positions are going to be available on March 12, 2019.

All candidates can go to their official website to apply for their desired positions at 10 AM on the dates that are mentioned above.

You can check further details about the eligibility criteria, educational qualification, and age criteria for every position that is mentioned in the official notice. The fee for the application if you are a general candidate is Rs. 500, if you are from the reserved category then you will pay Rs. 250.

The Non-Technical Popular Categories (NTPC) is offering jobs for the position of Clerk, Typists, Traffic Assistants, Goods Guard, and Station Master among others. The Para-Medical Staff vacancies include the posts of Staff Nurse, Health Inspectors, Pharmacist, ECG and Lab Technician.

The level 1 position includes posts like Track Maintainer, Technical Assistants, and Assistant Pointsman, and the Ministerial categories include vacancies in posts like Translators, Stenographers, and Chief Law Assistants.