UGLY 2014 {Hindi} Movie Review, Rating and Collections

Ugly is a Hindi emotional drama thriller film written and directed by Anurag Kashyap. Anurag Kashyap’s world of the dreadful and the damned. “Ugly”, his most sensitive film to date, comparable with perhaps “That Girl In Yellow Boots”, begins with Tejaswini Kolhapure making a stunning comeback after years of uncertainty, contemplating death. Later, closer to the end, she tries to kill the person responsible for driving her beyond the brink.

Kayal {Tamil} Movie Review and Rating

Ugly Hindi Movie Cast and Crew :

Director : Anurag Kashyap

Producer : DAR Motion Pictures & Phantom Films

Cast : Rahul Bhat, Ronit Roy, Girish Kulkarni & Siddhanth Kapoor

Music : G. V. Prakash Kumar and Brian McOmbe

Cinematography : Nikos Andritsakis

Genre : Drama & Thriller

Our “UGLY” Hindi Movie Rating: 3/5

Book my show “UGLY” Hindi Movie Rating: 8.6/10

IMDB Rating for “UGLY” Movie: 7.7/10

Chinnadana Nee Kosam (CNK) Telugu Movie Review and Rating

“UGLY” Hindi Movie Review :

A film like UGLY is not meant for the wide s ection of Indian audience that patronizes fun, entertaining escapist cinema. When the reality is so ugly for them why would they want to spend money on buying a ticket for UGLY. On the whole, technically brilliant with some wonderful performances, UGLY strictly caters to a niche audience. Moreover the choice of releasing it during a festive period isn’t a great idea either. Watch it if you are an Anurag Kashyap fan, else avoid. Ugly is a tale of torment, masterfully woven around the universally urgent trigger of a disappearing minor — and yet where, in the larger scheme of things, that kidnapping itself becomes, I daresay, a minor detail. “Ugly” is a film of many surprises, most of them unpleasant sordid and unsavoury. The actors are not acting for the camera. But their characters seem to be constantly play-acting with one another. Deception seems to run through the gamut of sordid characters. We also Provide Ugly Movie Theatres list.

The Story of the “UGLY” Hindi Movie :

Rahul is upcoming actor who broked his relation with Shalini and got divorced. Shalini now lives with their child Kali and is married to the tough police, Shoumik Bose. Story starts on weekend that is when Rahul is allowed to meet Kali his daughter. Rahul goes out with her in his car and at one point, when he steps out from the car to meet his casting director friend Chaitanya, Kali Rahul’s daughter suddenly goes missing. General, Bose who got involved and this incident becomes a high priority case for the policemen. Rahul, Shalini and Shoumik all three do not have a good relationship between them. This the the short story of the movie ugly want to know where Khali has gone, Is she alive ? Then watch the movie now.

The Pluses Points :

  • Performances
  • Story
  • Background Score
  • Alia Bhatt (Cameo appearance)

Mr. and Mrs. Ramachari {Kannada} Movie Review and Rating

The Minuses Points :

  • Climax
  • First Half
  • Flashback Scenes

Our “UGLY” Hindi Movie Rating : 3/5

Book my show “UGLY” Hindi Movie Rating :8.6/10

IMDB Rating for “UGLY” Hindi Movie : 7.7/10

Conclusion :

On the whole, Ugly boast of a great plot, performances and terrific first half. But things go downhill in the second half. The direction plays spoilsport which is when the desired impact is not generated, despite the very shocking climax. Sadly, an average fare.