18-Year-Old Man Gets His Throat Slit By Chinese Manja

Police Report: On Monday, 18-year-old Ravi Kumar was killed after his throat was slit by a stray of the Chinese “Manja” while he was riding his two-wheeler in the Timarpur area of North Delhi.

The police said the incident happened on Monday afternoon when 18-year-old Ravi Kumar was riding his motorcycle, he was a resident of the Yograj Colony which is located in the Gandhi Vihar Area.

A police officer said that the cut in his throat was so deep that his windpipe was cut.

The police rushed to the area where the incident was reported, Ravi Kumar was rushed to the Mahavir Valmiki Hospital, the doctors referred him to the Aruna Asaf Ali Government Hospital, the doctors in the hospital declared him dead.

The police said that a blood-soaked manja was recovered from the crime scene.

Preliminary investigations revealed that the manja was hanging from trees across the road when Ravi passed by, the manja got stuck around his neck and slit his throat.

A case has been registered, the police have launched a probe for the incident and are currently looking for the person who left the manja in the middle of the road.

18-year-old Ravi Kumar was a laborer in an automobile parts factory in the Anand Parbat Area. He has 5 siblings, the father of Ravi owned a food stall.