2015 A ‘Tipping Point’ For Climate Change; Will be Remembered For Generations

2015 will have its own chapter when the future generations write the history of humanity’s faltering quest to repair Earth’s climate system. 2015 has been a tipping point on the climate change that is being agreed by all, regardless of the fact that what lies ahead.

The year encountered a rare moment when the 195 states pledged to control the pollution caused by carbon emissions, which is the main reason for global warming. Whether the December 12 Paris Agreement is the key to our salvation or too-little-too-late depends on what happens starting now, experts said.

Much of that seriousness was driven by a crescendo of deadly extreme weather and the growing confidence of science in connecting the dots with long-term shifts in climate.

According to a study published in the journal Nature, climate change may have postponed the next ice age by as much as 50,000 years. That may sound like good news, but more than anything it is a stunning testament to the extent to which human activity — mainly burning fossil fuels — has played havoc with the planet’s thermostat.

In the business arena, the balance of investment is shifting away from fossil fuels and towards renewable, Bloomberg New Energy Finance reported recently. Although in the year there was a lot of up and down encountered in the price of oil and gas, the clean energy global investment reach about 300 billion euros that set a new record.

The 2015 watershed on climate change has crystallized a gradual shift from debate over the reality and extent of global warming, to a discussion on what to do about it.

Well, we’ve also managed to subvert that old bastard, the natural glaciation cycle! Your very-far-down-the-line descendants will thank you from saving them from an extremely chilly future — that is, if there are any humans left in 100,000 years, which will almost certainly not be the case if climate change continues on its current wild and crazy course.