Mumbai police have arrested four Class 10 students from northern suburb of Malad for the gang rape of a teenage girl who was also their classmate. The incident came to light after the survivor’s aunt received a video clip of the incident on Whatsapp. The girl was gang-raped by 4 teenagers on Nov. 8 when one of her friends called her for a group study at his residence. The boys had recorded the incident on their mobile phones and threatened to release it if the girl told anyone about what had happened.
However, when the girl’s aunt showed her the video, the girl broke down and narrated the entire incident to her. Her aunt then immediately went to the police station in Malad. An FIR has been registered against the four accused, all of whom are minors.
“All four were produced before a juvenile court, after which they were sent to the Dongri correction home, where they will be questioned by a child welfare officer,” a senior police Inspector S Sandbhor of Malad police station said NDTV.
The suspects have been booked under Section 376 (G) (gang rape) of the Indian Penal Code, as well as under relevant sections of the Protection of Children from Sexual Offences (POCSO) Act.