A 5 Meter Saltwater Crocodile That Stalked A School Was Shot And Killed After It Thought School Bell Meant It Was Lunch Time Call

A 5 meter saltwater crocodile that stalked a school after it thought that its school bell meant it was his lunchtime bell was shot and killed.

In the picture is a 3.7-meter crocodile that was captured near the school 5 years ago

The massive crocodile was found wandering in Cowal Creek, which is behind the Northern Peninsula Area State College’s Injinoo Junior Campus in Cape York, Far North Queensland.

Last month, a crocodile was seen snatching a dog from Cowal Creek as horrified students watched the horrific incident.

A spokesman of the Department of Environment and Science said that the crocodile was a threat to the students present on the campus.

The saltwater crocodile was lured by the bell of the school as it thought it was about to get fed, instead, it was shot by rangers.

The spokesperson added, ‘Due to the unacceptable risk the crocodile posed to human safety, including students at the nearby school, along with the animal’s dangerous behaviour, a decision was made in partnership with traditional owners to humanely euthanise the crocodile.’