People who are fat at their belly are in danger. People having excess fat at their belly should start working out and control their food habits. Generally people with obesity suffer a lot and it also leads to death. But people with belly fat are possessing increased risk of dying early when compared to obese people having a fat body. A new study tells that belly fat people have to take care and change their food and exercise habits to avoid death. Using HCG drops is one of the best ways to reduce weight
According to researchers, people who are fat near the belly area is most dangerous and was found to link with greater mortality risk. This study had researched more than 15,000 people aged between 18 and 90 years. The study was in progress for 14 long years. The Study researchers calculated BMI and waist-to-hip ratio of every participant and then compared both the values.
The shocking aspect in their research was that the belly fat is linked with higher mortality irrespective of weight, whether a person is obese or not. Men with bigger belly fat were double likely to die early when compared to the death of obese with pear-shaped like body. But belly fat poses less risk when it comes to women. The study found that the women with normal Body Mass Index (BMI) 32 percent likelier to die early when compared to other obese women.
Fat that goes deep inside the body:
The study authors also explained that there are two types of fats that get deposited in the belly. They are Visceral fat and Subcutaneous fat. Visceral fat is more vicious which cannot be seen as it exists deep within the abdomen of the victim. Visceral fat releases inflammatory chemicals and disrupts vital processes such as metabolism, blood pressure and clotting. This fat causes many health problems like heart-related, cardiovascular diseases, type-2 diabetes, blood pressure, depression, etc.
A Study estimated that more than 1 billion people in the world will be obese by 2025. It also said that more than 40% people contain Visceral fat around their belly.
Precautions to be taken are healthy Diet, exercise, yoga:
Having a dangerous waist-to-hip ratio is not a permanent condition. We can change it by maintaining few things. Lopez-Jimenez said researchers really don’t have strong evidence yet on what exactly reduces fat in this area, but the advice he gives his patients is solid. A healthy diet, like the Mediterranean diet, is a good way to go. That means you avoid processed food, eat meat sparingly, and above all, eat more plants, whole grains and nuts.
To burn off this fat, you need regular cardio, walking for 50 minutes, being calm. What may be even more useful is to add some kind of resistance or weight training to your routine, “anything that will help you improve your muscle mass, and not just for aesthetic reasons,” said Lopez-Jimenez.