Delhi’s Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal, promised the higher education loan scheme, one lakh jobs within a year, free wi-fi in colleges and many other to the students of poll-bound Delhi University during an event at Talkatora Stadium organized by AAP’s students’ wing Chhatra-Yuva Sangharsh Samiti (CYSS) on September 8, three days ahead of the DUSU polls.
AAP’s students’ wing CYSS has entered the fray for the first time turning the DUSU elections into a triangular contest. NSUI and ABVP have traditionally dominated the political scene of Delhi University.
Apart from Kejriwal, guests including Manish Sisodia, Transport Minister Gopal Rai, and a number of popular Bollywood artistes, including singers Vishal Dadlani and Shilpa Rao were also present at the event. The event was anchored by popular video jockey Raghu Ram.
Manish Sisodia, in his speech at the event, announced the government’s decision to launch the higher education loan scheme, named after late former President A P J Abdul Kalam.
Arvind Kejriwal has pitched for “clean student politics” in his speech saying that Delhi University was besetted with corruption. He said that the AAP government has reduced corruption in Delhi by over 70 % in six months.
Kejriwal furthur continued saying, “We will make Delhi the first free-wifi state and our team is working hard to turn it into a reality soon. The start would be made at colleges across the state. We will also create around 1 lakh jobs within a year.”
Talking about the Manish Sisodia’s announcement about higher education loan scheme, Kejriwal said that the scheme was meant to ensure that no student has to abandon higher education for lack of money. “There are students who cannot afford higher education for lack of financial strength. We will ensure guarantee loan for them.”
Kejriwal said bringing DU among the top 100 universities of the world was an imperative and stressed that an AAP-backed students’ body would ensure that, “We are a party of the youth.”
Sisodia said, “Some people may ask why we are encouraging students for politics? I want to ask them who else will do politics if not students. Ambani or Adani? Students will usher in clean politics and change the country.”
In his speech, Transport Minister Gopal Rai urged the students to repeat the mandate of Delhi Assembly polls at DUSU elections and defeat money and muscle power.
The event saw the hundreds of students grooving to popular foot stomping numbers belted out by Dadlani and Rao. City-based band Astitva, singer Jasleen were the other performers at the event.
In a bid to offset criticism over expenditure incurred for the star-studded event, Sisodia emphasised that the artistes had not taken money for performing. “No one has been paid. Who can dare take money in front of Arvind Kejriwal in any case?” he quipped.
The event officially publicized as freshers’ rock concert ‘DU rocks.’