Tamil Nadu is battling one if its worst floods in a century as several parts of the state have been submerged and cut off from essential supplies. People across India have been sending relief materials that includes food, blankets and other necessary supplies to Chennai so that the city can return to normalcy.
Popular South Indian actor Siddharth was one of the victims of the rains. His house in the city was submerged, but that didn’t stop him from stepping out and helping those in need.
“I freaked out that I had lost my house for the first time… three studios, three cars… And then I felt bad for the middle class who lost so much in just one day,” said the actor.
He is actively participating in relief operations in Chennai and other parts of Tamil Nadu with RJ Balaji and other young volunteers. Here are some tweets from Actor Siddharth which tell a tale of his efforts during Chennai floods:
#ChennaiMicro fed 20000 people today. Very proud of our volunteers. They outdid themselves. Tomorrow will be better. We need your support.
— Siddharth (@Actor_Siddharth) December 3, 2015
Need 10000 bottles of water urgently. Please send to Big fm office. We are there. Or tweet #ChennaiMicro we will come pick it up.
— Siddharth (@Actor_Siddharth) December 4, 2015
Only packaged food and snacks today PLEASE. Water bottles priority. Also lots of areas still need blankets. Please help. #ChennaiMicro
— Siddharth (@Actor_Siddharth) December 5, 2015
We can handle supplies for 25000 more people. can handle lot sizes upto 5000. Post leads at #ChennaiMicro This will end soon. Stay strong.
— Siddharth (@Actor_Siddharth) December 5, 2015
Use hashtag #ChennaiMicro for verified supplies info. Volunteers are tracking this hashtag. Please share contact no. Post responsibly.
— Siddharth (@Actor_Siddharth) December 5, 2015
Going to cuddalore tomorrow with a truckload of supplies. #ChennaiMicro large requirement areas info in cuddalore. Ngo support requested.
— Siddharth (@Actor_Siddharth) December 5, 2015
Tweet hashtag #cuddaloremicro I will be there the whole day tomorrow with supplies. Mention areas. Requirements. #verified Ngo support.
— Siddharth (@Actor_Siddharth) December 5, 2015
Taking 4 truckloads of supplies to #Cuddalore tomorrow. We will be reaching affected areas in the interiors. Hope for the best. #TNflood
— Siddharth (@Actor_Siddharth) December 5, 2015
Please spread the word. Volunteers need to protect themselves. Tetanus shot. Careful of open wounds. Skin diseases are common. Be safe.
— Siddharth (@Actor_Siddharth) December 6, 2015
Pouring in Chennai. Please stay indoors. Unless you are in teams do not head out for rescue or relief work. Contact #ChennaiMicro for help.
— Siddharth (@Actor_Siddharth) December 6, 2015
Please form your own teams collect items and head to relief areas yourself if possible. We are already operating at full capacity. Do it!
— Siddharth (@Actor_Siddharth) December 6, 2015
Food is not the priority. Water is receding. Life is returning to normal. Donate bedsheets, candles, insect repellent, water. #chennaimicro
— Siddharth (@Actor_Siddharth) December 6, 2015
People around the nation appreciates his work:
Great job @Actor_Siddharth ..??! U r an example for Bollywood heroes,Never heard any khans or superstars helping ppl in calamities like this
— Sanghi (@ExSecular) December 2, 2015
Dear @aamir_khan see wht @Actor_Siddharth is doing for countrymen, u were charging 3 crores for the so called cry show SMJ, now running away
— shaurya diwas (@ExSecular) December 2, 2015
Social media played a pivotal role in this movement, helping the city to get back on its feet.