Gujarat government launched a drive named ‘The Gujarat food and drugs authority’ to check the food safety standards of packed products. And they found that Lead and Monosodium Glutamate (MSG) were found beyond permissible limits in the samples. The manufactures of the instant noodle brands would be sent notices for withdrawal, if their products do not conform to the set standards, said the Food and Drugs Control Administration (FDCA).
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Gujarat government announced a ban on two instant food products. ‘Yippee’ noodles of Sun feast by ITC and ‘Bambino Macaroni’ by Bambino Agro Industries were banned FDCA commissioner H G Koshia said. The government had extended the ban on Nestle Maggi noodles for one month last Saturday. According to Koshia, the 23 samples of Sun feast Yippee, one sample failed the safety test as it showed higher lead content while some samples showed presence of MSG.
“In one of the samples of Yippee, lead content was found to be 3.44 PPM (particle per million) instead of prescribed limit of 2.5 PPM. Such an excess of lead is harmful to consume. We had collected only one sample of Bambino Macaroni and found that lead content was 4.1 PPM,” he added. Gujarat government had banned the sale of Maggi for one month in June and later extended the ban for another month. Similarly, the one-month ban on Hakka noodles manufactured by S K Foods was also extended this month.
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“Till now, we have collected 133 samples of 22 companies selling instant noodles and pastas. Of these, 33 samples have failed the test till now, including Maggi. Results of some of the brands are awaited,” said Koshia. Even, the manufacturers of all top brands as well as locally made ice-creams and soft drinks would only get notices to lift the safety standards from the FDCA, if their products fail the tests.