The ongoing and the hot topic in India is ‘Intolerance’. The debate over Intolerance has become a big issue for everyone even for celebrities of Bollywood like Shah Rukh Khan and Aamir Khan. Though SRK and Aamir expressed their own views that later were opposed by many people. SRK said that one does not need to prove his patriotism. Remarks made by them were true to some extent.
Thus, the actors were criticized badly by people in India and protested by burning their posters. Shah Rukh claimed that even a generic statement can be turned into radical statements by people. “Twitter and social media are about free voice, people do take very radical steps, they get abusive,” he added.
A new face joined the debate on Intolerance and she is Sunny Leone. When Sunny Leone was asked her opinion in this context, she said, “I think the word ‘intolerance’ is interesting to be used. As far as myself goes, I love India and it is a great place to be. Had it not been safe, I wouldn’t have been here.”
Reacting on Aamir’s statement, she said, “Sometimes People and Media twist the words and use it in the wrong way to get TRP. That happens with me on a daily basis (laughs). So that’s all I have to say about it.”