Allow Castration for Child Sex Abusers Says, Madras High Court

Tamil Nadu states apex judicial authority, Madras High Court has suggested the castration to put an end to child sexual abuse. The honorary bench of Madras High Court claimed that “barbaric crimes should definitely attract barbaric models of punishment” before recommending the castration as punishment for the child sex abusers.

Barbaric Crimes Should Definitely Attract Barbaric Models of Punishment

Against a British national in the recent times a Madras High Court judge Justice N. Kirubakaran suggested the Union government that castration of child sex abusers would yield better results bringing down the child abuse incidents. Justice N. Kirubakaran said, “When the law is ineffective and incapable of addressing the menace, this court cannot keep its hands folded and remain a silent spectator, unmoved and oblivious of the recent happenings of horrible blood-curdling gang rapes of children in various parts of India.”

The honorary justice also suggested the union government think over introducing mandatory education in high schools across the nation. “Denying youngsters correct and scientific information would lead [them] to acquire half-baked and incorrect knowledge from other sources, like The internet, friends and movies, creating misconception and doubts,” said Justice N. Kirubakaran.

Justice N. Kirubakaran boiled down heavily on human rights activists. He claimed that instead of misplacing the sympathy with the accused sex abusers, the government should have supported the victims of such crimes. What strikes your mind after being through the above-cited suggestion of Madras High Court Justice N. Kirubakaran.